This presentation by Julien LAURENT will tell you the importance oh hydrodynamics in (bio)chemical reaction engineering and how CFD can help!
Here are some useful papers from our IWA CFD for Wastewater working group that can be useful:
Laurent, J., Samstag, R.W., Griborio, A., Nopens, I., Batstone, D.J., Wicks, J., Saunders, S., Potier, O., 2014. A protocol for the use of computational fluid dynamics as a supportive tool for wastewater treatment plant modelling. Water Science and Technology 70, 1575–1584.
Samstag, R.W., Ducoste, J.J., Griborio, A., Nopens, I., Batstone, D.J., Wicks, J.D., Saunders, S., Wicklein, E.A., Kenny, G., Laurent, J., 2016. CFD for wastewater treatment: an overview. Water Science and Technology 74, 549–563.
Wicklein, E., Batstone, D.J., Ducoste, J., Laurent, J., Griborio, A., Wicks, J., Saunders, S., Samstag, R., Potier, O., Nopens, I., 2015. Good modelling practice in applying computational fluid dynamics for WWTP modelling. Water Science and Technology 73, 969–982.