
This presentation by Julien LAURENT will tell you the importance oh hydrodynamics in (bio)chemical reaction engineering and how CFD can help!

Introduction to CFD modelingInformations[1]

Here are some useful papers from our IWA CFD for Wastewater working group that can be useful:

  • Laurent, J., Samstag, R.W., Griborio, A., Nopens, I., Batstone, D.J., Wicks, J., Saunders, S., Potier, O., 2014. A protocol for the use of computational fluid dynamics as a supportive tool for wastewater treatment plant modelling. Water Science and Technology 70, 1575–1584.

  • Samstag, R.W., Ducoste, J.J., Griborio, A., Nopens, I., Batstone, D.J., Wicks, J.D., Saunders, S., Wicklein, E.A., Kenny, G., Laurent, J., 2016. CFD for wastewater treatment: an overview. Water Science and Technology 74, 549–563.

  • Wicklein, E., Batstone, D.J., Ducoste, J., Laurent, J., Griborio, A., Wicks, J., Saunders, S., Samstag, R., Potier, O., Nopens, I., 2015. Good modelling practice in applying computational fluid dynamics for WWTP modelling. Water Science and Technology 73, 969–982.